
Chromotherapy (Color Therapy) is the science of using colors to alter the body's vibrations to frequencies that culminate in health and harmony. Each color retains frequencies of specific vibrations, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms. Such as:

• Red is thought to increase circulatory functions such as: pulse, raise blood pressure, and increase the breathing rate. 

• Strong pink acts as a cleanser which strengthens the veins and arteries.

• Pink activates and eliminates impurities in one's bloodstream.

• Yellow, which is the brightest color used in chromotherapy, has been thought to purify the skin, aid in indigestion, strengthen the nervous system, treat glandular diseases, hepatitis, and lymphatic disorders as well as assist with metabolism.

• Green (associated with harmony), provides neutral, positive, and calming effects.

• Strong blue aids in the lubrication of joints, addresses stress, nervous tension, and infections.

• Blue exhibits tranquilizing qualities often used to relieve headaches and migraines, colds, stress, nervous tension, rheumatism, stomach pains, muscle cramps, and liver disorders. Blue is thought to have a positive effect on all kinds of pain, as well as relaxation and calming benefits.

• Violet has meditative qualities and is often used to treat conditions of the lymphatic system and spleen, as well as urinary disorders and psychosis. Violet has also been used in calming the nervous system, soothing organs, and relaxation of muscles. 

In China, traditional Chinese medicine incorporates color to be associated with various organs (see above) and elemental systems (earth, air, fire & water). This healing method looks at the idea that every individual is a balance. The first color wheel was invented by Sir Isaac Newton. He split white sunlight into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, and blue. He then joined the two ends of the color spectrum together to show the natural progression of colors.

Health Benefits

Color Therapy (Light Therapy) has been reported to reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing, and greatly reduce overall recovery after medical/surgical procedures. Patients have demonstrated an increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension and spasm, and improved circulation. Light therapy has also been used to regulate the body's natural rhythms (circadian rhythms), which can lead to better sleep, emotional health and overall cognitive performance. 

Rejuvenating LED light therapy can also be used for pain management, such as joint and back pain, sore or torn muscles, sprains, arthritis, post-surgical scars, burns, wounds and more. When used with infrared technology, light therapy (phototherapy) is one of the most effective and non-invasive ways to repair the body.