Below are some resources with more information about acupuncture, tui na massage, gua sha and other Traditional Chinese Medicine services that we offer in Burlington, Wisconsin for guests coming from Racine, Kenosha, Chicago and northern Illinois, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Waterford, and surrounding areas. In addition to Chinese medicine and other services that we offer, some of these resources discuss other natural healing options to achieve and maintain a level of whole-body health in your life.
Fertility Treatment - Oriental Healing Oasis provides fertility treatment. Click the link to review our testimonials!
Acupuncture Benefits For Veterans - Many of us are familiar with acupuncture and its many uses treating ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines, just to name a few. However, did you know that acupuncture can also help to treat addiction?
Do You Need Springtime Acupuncture? - If you are thinking about trying acupuncture, spring may be the perfect time. Here a few signs that springtime acupuncture is right for you.
FAQs about Chinese Medicine - If you are new to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is likely you have a few questions. Here are answers to several questions that we are frequently asked.
What to Know About Acupuncture - We answer some of the FAQs that we receive about acupuncture as well as discuss those that would benefit from acupuncture and other complementary treatments.
Natural Pain Relievers - A comprehensive list of natural pain relievers that can be found in the kitchen of your home.
Chakras 101 - There are seven chakras, which are thought to be the life-force energy centers of the body and receive, transfer and absorb energy (qi).
Liver Cleansing Foods - Your liver is an important organ that helps to process nutrients, remove toxins, and build proteins. There are a number of foods that can help to cleanse your liver and keep it as healthy as possible.
Electro-Stimulation Therapy - Electric muscle stimulation utilizes low-electrical current to enhance the benefits of acupuncture and improve the effectiveness of treatment especially for chronic, stubborn pain.
What is Cupping? - Cupping is used to help remedy several problems, including back pain, neck pain, & headaches, as well as a wide variety of other conditions, including muscle tension for athletes.
An Apple A Day... - Beyond being delicious and readily available, fruits are a great natural source of nutrients and health benefits that can improve your whole-body health.
Benefits of Thieves Oil - Thieves oil consists of clove, rosemary, eucalyptus, cinnamon and lemon. You can easily make this blend at home using these essential oils.
Veterans Administration Covers Acupuncture | Battlefield Acupuncture Seminars
Acupuncture: In Depth | NCCIH
Acupuncture | Wikipedia
Acupuncture | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Chinese Medicine | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library,P00176
Acupuncture | Mayo Clinic
Back Pain: Acupuncture Treatment and Points | WebMD
How Does Acupuncture Work? Points, Benefits & Needles | MedicineNet
Layman’s Guide to Oriental Medicine, giving you information through a FAQ section | Midwest College of Oriental Medicine
The ABC’s of TCM and Acupuncture | Acupuncture Today
Can Acupuncture Help with Addiction Recovery? | The Recovery Village
Spirituality and Core Change | Rehab Spot
Alternative & Complementary Mesothelioma Treatment | The Mesothelioma Center
Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Mesothelioma Patients | Mesothelioma Hub
Mesothelioma Fund
What is Mesothelioma? | Mesothelioma Justice Network