Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation

We offer a combination of tools to help you successfully “kick the habit”. These therapies can improve your chances of success in a natural way without the use of chemicals. Stopping smoking is a great step toward acheiving and maintaining a level of whole-body health. Therapies can be performed individually or in a package. To learn more about the various therapies included, feel free to visit their respective service pages: Hypnosis, Auricular Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture and Ear Seeds.

Please call ahead to inquire about package pricing and schedule availability with hypnosis included. All packages and hypnosis must be pre-paid prior to scheduled treatment. No refunds for any unused portion of any package will be honored. Please schedule all of your pre-paid visits in advance with our office.

Package A: 1 Session of Hypnosis, 12 visits Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture, 1 Ear Seed Kit
Package B: 1 Session of Hypnosis, 12 visits Laser (Ear) Acupuncture, 1 Ear Seed Kit
Package C: 12 visits Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture, 1 Ear Seed Kit
Package D: 12 visits Laser (Ear) Acupuncture, 1 Ear Seed Kit
Package E: 12 visits full body acupuncture, 1 ear seed kit
Package F: 12 visits full body laser acupuncture, 1 ear seed kit